Short and Long "u" Sounds in Words Crossword Puzzle

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Short and Long u Sounds in Words Crossword Puzzle

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  • suit : what do many men wear to work in an office?
  • rug : what is something you lay on the floor?
  • push : please _ your chair in. i need to walk behind you.
  • spoon : what do you use to eat soup?
  • pudding : a sweet dessert made with milk, eggs, and sugar
  • put : please _ the elastic on the flashcards.
  • glue : what do you use to make crafts stick together?
  • shoe : what do you wear on your foot?
  • could : c _ you help me find my keys?
  • mule : what animal is known to be stubborn?
  • pull : can you _ the weeds out of the garden?
  • truck : a vehicle called a pickup is a what?
  • flute : which instrument has a high-pitched sound?
  • should : you _ wear a seat belt in the car.
  • drum : what does every band need to keep the beat?
  • sun : what is the biggest star in the sky?
  • bush : a small tree or green plant
  • trunk : what is another name for a treasure chest?
  • would : w _ you like tea or coffee?
  • plug : where does electricity come into your house?
  • tub : what do you take a bath in?