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Kids and School Crossword Puzzles
Free printable kids crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a plant that usually grows in forests. some people eat these, a time of year when there is lots of heavy rain, a funny drawing or a short animated …
untidy or dis-organized, the feeling you get when you spin in a circle really quickly, yes, you are right, i ... with you, used with thread to do …
a shape with four equal sides and four right angles, a quadrilateral with opposite sides equal and four right angles, lines that never meet, no matter …
a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero, a number that represents a part of a whole, a number expressed using a point to separate whole …
what do many men wear to work in an office?, what is something you lay on the floor?, please _ your chair in. i need to walk behind you, what do you …
what is the greatest and least value taken by a function, a number that is expressed through square root or negative numbers, the highest point, what …
how do we write the number 30?, how do we spell the first day of the week?, how do we write the number 40?, what is 40 + 10? (spell it out), what is …
feeling fear or anxiety about something, having control over or being the cause of something, feeling tired or uninterested in something due to …
hare thinks that racing a slow tortoise is _ , rabbits are _ than tortoises, hare does not take the race _ , _ keeps a slow and steady pace, hare …
a connection between two sets of values, showing how one set relates to another, the value you provide to a function, typically represented by x, the …
a way of discovering, by questions or practical activities, what someone knows, a place where people study for a degree, the process of testing, and …
2x4=8 is an example of, crunchy piece of bread, not hard, what you wear with your shoes, the last day of the work week, things, no longer owe someone, …
chart where data is represented by vertical rectangles, a chart where data is represented by horizontal rectangles, a chart where values are connected …
can be eaten or drank, can turn this when angry, when you look up at the sky, think of grass, to make you wink, you'll find it at the bottom of a …
the length of a straight line from the centre to the circumference of the circle, a line segment joining any two points on the circumference of the …
counting numbers, counting numbers and zero, all whole numbers and their negative, parts of a whole, numbers that consist of whole and/or fractional …
she _ to take the job, i can't _ my glasses and i've looked everywhere, he really needed some money, so he _ his guitar for $50, would you _ red or …
a number that represents a set of numbers (7), found by adding a set of numbers and dividing by how many (4), the middle number when a set of numbers …
meaning the perimeter of a circle (13), found by adding all the sides of a shape (9), base x height, for example (4), how tall something is, a shape …
a large, impressive house, a particular version or release of a book, magazine, or other publication, the base or underlying support for something; …
using tools to find the size, weight, time, etc of something, a measure of how heavy something is, a unit of measurement for weight, a person who is …
how goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed, belonging to a community and helping to make it a better place, the study of places, …
this is the _ book i brought to school today, of all the animals at the zoo, i like the tigers the _ , my mother has _ hair, please try to come home …
exact locations at both ends of a line segment, a flat surface with no thickness, but endless length and width, the point where two rays meet to form …
corresponding angles are equal but lengths have been enlarged by a scale factor, the money, in the form of notes or coins, issued by a government of a …
the value of a digit based on its position in a number, a graph that records progress and time, a graph that has parts of a plant, a chart that looks …
symbol for addition, the answer to a division problem, the two numbers you use to find a product, the operation to find the product of two numbers, …
a large marine mammal in oceans, used to ask for information, a circular object that turns around an axle, to speak very softly, a high-pitched sound …
the central message the poet gives the reader, the shape or structure of a poem, the arrangement of a line of poetry by the number of syllables and …
expressions separated by the equal sign, a value that represents any quantity along a number line, expressions separated by an inequality sign, …