Fractions and Decimals Crossword Puzzle
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- decimal fraction : a fraction with a denominator of 10 or 100
- decimal point : a symbol used to separate the ones place and the tenths place in numbers and to separate the whole dollars and cents in money
- nickel : a coin who's value is 5 cents
- quarter : a coin who's value is 25 cents
- fraction : a part of a whole, written using numerator and denominator
- tenth : 1 of 10 equal parts of a whole
- decimal : a number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point
- equivalent decimals : two or more decimals that have the same value
- hundredths place : the second place to the right of the decimal point
- dime : a coin who's value is 10 cents
- hundredth : 1 of 100 equal parts of a whole
- penny : a coin who's value is 1 cent
- tenths place : the first place to the right of the decimal point