Calculus Crossword Puzzle

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Calculus Crossword Puzzle

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  • inflection : the point where the function changes concavity is the _ point
  • exponential : a function that is its own derivative
  • inverse : in order to find this function, switch the x and y and then solve back for y.
  • newton : one of the two men who are credited with inventing calculus
  • optimization : the process of finding the largest or smallest value of a function
  • continuous : if the function value equals the limits value at a given point, the function is _ .
  • velocity : the derivative of the position function
  • first : this derivative can give you information about where the original function is increasing or decreasing
  • limit : the y value a function approaches as it gets closer to a given x-value
  • increasing : as x gets larger, y gets larger
  • related rates : an application of calculus that relates quantities as time passes
  • maximum : the largest y-value in the neighborhood of a given x-value
  • derivative : slope of the tangent line to a curve at a given point
  • chain rule : a rule used for finding the derivative of a composition of functions
  • down : when the second derivative is negative, the original function is concave _ .
  • normal : line perpendicular to a curve at a given point