Phonics - Long Ee Crossword Puzzle

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Phonics - Long Ee Crossword Puzzle

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  • wheel : round things under a car, bus and bicycle
  • scream : someone shout very loud
  • peel : when you eat an banana, you should take off banana skin first,then you can eat
  • key : something can open the door,lock the door or start a car
  • beach : a place where you can see a lot of sand or small stones and near the sea
  • sheep : an animal with white coat and it can eat grass
  • leaf : the green part of a tree
  • bee : an insect that can make honey
  • tear : when you are sad and cry, there is something on your face.
  • field : a place where you can play football here
  • thief : someone who steals something
  • mean : someone is not kind, they don't want to share anything
  • dream : when you go to sleep, something happened in your mind.
  • seed : the small part of a plant and it can grow a new plan
  • sleep : you have to do it ,close eyes and have a rest every evening