Polynomials Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: trinomial : 4x-2y+3 has three terms, also known as a _ , binomial : 12x-3 has two terms, also known as a _ , standard : when looking at a polynomial, re-ordering the terms from highest to lowest degree is known as _ form, monomial : 3x is one term, known as a _ , ten : 3x-7=4x-17, x= _ , expression : a phrase that has variables and numbers, then is connected by operators is known as an _ , four : 3x/4=2x-5, x= _ , constant : this has no variables, three : 3x+4=5x-2, x= _ , equation : 3x+4=5x-2, this is known as an _ , factoring : when you're multiplying numbers together, it's known as _ , like : 2y+4y are known as _ terms, fifteen : (2x(3))/2=3x, x= _ , coefficient : when looking at 2y, 2 is known as the _ , degree : the _ of 3xy is two, two : 11x/2=10x-9, x= _ , seven : 4x-6=2x+8, x= _ , polynomial : a _ is an algebraic expression that consists of adding or subtracting terms, eleven : 4x/2=3x-11, x= _ , unlike : 7x-3y are known as _ terms, sixteen : (3x-8)/4=x-6, x= _ , terms : a number, variable or even the product of an equation are known as _ , variable : when given 6x-2, x is referred to as the _