Statistics Introduction Crossword Puzzle

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Statistics Introduction Crossword Puzzle

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  • descriptive : type of statistic that occurs when data is restricted to organizing, summarizing, and displaying.
  • brown : your math teacher's last name
  • sample : subset of a population
  • inferential : type of statistic that occurs when sample data is used to draw conclusions about a population
  • statistics : math that collects, organize, analyze, and interpret data
  • interval : zero does not imply none
  • nominal : measurement where no mathematical computations can be made
  • parameter : a number that describes a population characteristics
  • population : the collection of all outcomes, responses, measurements, or counts that are of interest
  • nominal : a measurement that uses names, labels, or qualities ...qualitative data only
  • statistic : a number that describes a sample characteristic
  • ordinal : measurement that uses qualitative or quantitative data and the differences in data are not meaningful
  • data : facts and figures collected for research
  • interval : measurement that uses quantitative data only and differences in data entries are meaningful
  • ratio : measurement where two data entries can form a fraction and 0 implies none
  • qualitative : a description of information that involves label, names, and non-numeric values
  • quantitative : a description of information that involves numeric values