Leadership Skills Crossword Puzzle

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Leadership Skills Crossword Puzzle

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  • transform: this theory is when people can choose to become leaders.
  • collaborate: talk with their group
  • analysis: evaluate the personality of people and their abilities
  • trait: this theory is when people have a natural trait to lead.
  • intuitive: loves to theorize
  • extrovert: people who make decisions in agreement with demands and expectations
  • realized: strengths that are our strongest assets
  • unrealized: less visible strengths, we do not notice these.
  • events: this theory is when people become leaders through crisis.
  • character: determines what the person pays attention to
  • toxic: lying arrogance, discrimination, these are traits that might make leaders this.
  • testing: this leader proposes a temporary solution to a problem.
  • telling: this leader identifies a problem, considers options, chooses one, and then asks the team.
  • weaknesses: what limit us.
  • joining: this leader becomes "just another member"
  • communicate: there needs to be discussion or talks between leader and team.
  • proficient: a leader should know their job and what they do
  • learned: behaviors that we learned throughout our life.
  • introvert: make decisions independently from things around them
  • inspire: give their teams a confidence boost
  • example: a leader must set this, they represent a group and must show this group in a good light