Appearance and Personality Crossword Puzzle

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Appearance and Personality Crossword Puzzle

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  • overweight: too fat
  • bald: a person with no hair
  • attractive: beautiful or pleasant person
  • curly: shape of hair
  • talkative: someone who talks a lot
  • untidy: someone who makes a mess
  • reliable: someone you can count on
  • serious: someone who doesn't laugh very much
  • selfish: someone who just think about himself
  • arrogant: someone who thinks he is better than everyone else
  • well-built: someone who has a strong body
  • impatient: someone who hates waiting
  • cheerful: someone who is happy and funny
  • clever: someone who is bright and intelligent
  • shy: someone who is not confident talking with other people
  • friendly: opposite to unfriendly