Introduction to Debate Crossword Puzzle

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Introduction to Debate Crossword Puzzle

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  • argument : a statement or series of statements that supports a particular point of view
  • evidence : information or data that supports an argument
  • motion : a statement that can be agreed or disagreed with
  • second speaker : the debater who elaborates on the arguments made by the captain and 1st speaker of his / her team
  • first speaker : the debater who speaks after the team captain, explains why the opposing teams' ideas are wrong and provides new argumnets or elaborations
  • rebuttal : a counter-argument that challenges the points made by the opponents
  • negative : the team which argues against the motion and proves the motion is false
  • affirmative : the team which argues for the motion and proves the motion is true
  • team captain : the debator who opens a debate, defines the motion, advances arguments and outlines what his / her teammates are going to say
  • team line : a short and basic statement saying why the topic is true (for the affirmative) or false (for the negative); it is presented by the first speaker of each team and used by the other two speakers to enforce the idea of teamwork
  • adjudicator : the person who judges a debate and gives comments at the end
  • stance : a team's position on a particular topic
  • debate : a structured argument between two teams of speakers, a battle of oral skills which involves reasoning and logic