Ecconomic & Social Indicators Crossword Puzzle

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Ecconomic & Social Indicators Crossword Puzzle

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  • gini coefficient: an index that ranges between 0 and 1 which measures income inequality.
  • full employmeny : exist when everyone in the country who want to work is employed.
  • productivity : relationship between inputs and outputs.
  • inflation: a general increase in prices that result in a decrease in the purchasing power of money.
  • mortality rate : average number of years that a person in a country is expected to live.
  • repo rate : a rate at which sarb lends money to the commercial banks.
  • child mortality : numbers of children who die before reaching ne year of age
  • exchange rate : a currency of one country expressed in terms of another country's currency.
  • globalisation: integration and interfacing of economies around the globe with trade as a main factor.
  • urbanisation: influx of people moving from rural areas to pursue better life in cities.