Psychology Review Crossword Puzzle

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Psychology Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • hippocampus : what part of the brain is crucial for the encoding and retrieval of explicit and implicit memories?
  • gut brain axis : what emerging area of research explores the interaction between gut microbiota and the nervous system in influencing psychological processes?
  • general adaptation syndrome : what biological model of stress involves stages of alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion?
  • mnemonics : what term refers to the use of techniques like acronyms or the method of loci to aid memory retrieval?
  • conditioning : what term describes the involuntary association between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus in classical conditioning?
  • neurotransmitters : what are the chemical messengers that transmit neural information across a synapse, causing excitatory or inhibitory effects?
  • gaba : what neurotransmitter is known for its inhibitory effects in the brain?
  • memory : what term refers to the process by which information passes through memory stores for relatively permanent storage?
  • aboriginal ways of knowing : what term describes the system of learning where the learner is embedded in relationships and knowledge is patterned on country?
  • multi store model : what term describes the model of memory that includes sensory, short-term, and long-term memory stores?
  • synaptic plasticity : what term describes the modification of connections between neurons, crucial for memory formation?