Issues and Debates Recap Crossword Puzzle

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Issues and Debates Recap Crossword Puzzle

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  • nomothetic: the study of humans where universal laws and rules of behaviour are made:
  • idiographic: the study of humans as individuals
  • gender bias: when men or women are treated or represented differently in psychological research or theory.
  • nature: the internal influences said to have an impact on the mind and behaviour which are said to be innate the result of inheritance.
  • nurture: the external influences said to have an impact on the mind and behaviour which are said to be the result of upbringing and experiences.
  • freewill: the notion that each individual has autonomy and has the ability to make choices about their behaviour.
  • determinism: the notion that each individual does not have autonomy and some aspects of internal and external factors impact on the individual without their control.
  • reductionism: an approach in psychology that attempts to break down complex phenomena into simple components in order to understand it.
  • holism: seen within the humanistic approach when explaining a behaviour or condition , where the whole experience is examined rather than the individual features to obtain the whole picture.
  • ethics: the moral implications that have to be taken into consideration when conducting research.
  • cultural bias: when research is examined from the lens or viewpoint of one place and generalisations are made.
  • universality: to what extent theories, concepts and research can be considered to represent all human behaviour.
  • biological: a type of determinism and is the belief that human behaviour is directly controlled by an individual's genes or some component of their physiology, generally at the expense of the role of the environment.
  • hard: a type of determinism that focuses that all behaviour can be predicated and that freewill is not an entity.
  • diathesis stress: the model examines how nature and nurture works together with a biological / genetic vulnerability) being expressed when coupled with a trigger