Sea Creatures Crossword Puzzle

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Sea Creatures Crossword Puzzle

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  • whales : these are the largest animals on earth and they live in every ocean.
  • jellyfish : this animal is umbrella shaped and has trailing tentacles.
  • shark : this creature has skin that feels like sandpaper and have rows of teeth.
  • starfish : when this creature loses an arm, it is possible for them to grow it back.
  • oysters : this animal lives between two shells that are hinged together.
  • dolphin : this animal is similar to a porpoise.
  • fish : an animal that has gills and scales.
  • octopus : this animal has eight tentacles and squirts ink.
  • crab : this animal crawls and swims sideways and its skeleton is on the outside of the body.
  • crocodile : this animal is similar to an alligator.
  • tortoise : an animal that has a hard shell on its back and moves very slowly.
  • prawns : these creatures are similar to shrimps.
  • stingray : this sea creature has a flat body, a long tail and swims by flapping its fins.