Honey Bees Crossword Puzzle
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- beekeeper : a person who takes care of bees
- langstroth : a commonly used vertical modular beehive
- top bar : a horizontal beehive with foundation-less frames
- pollen basket : a feature on a bees' hind legs that allow for collection of provisions
- royal jelly : worker bees can create a new queen by feeding a young larvae this
- waggle dance : a way to indicate direction of food source to hive mates
- drone : male bee
- nurse bee : a young bee that cares for the queen's offspring
- propolis : a resinous substance bees produce with saliva and beeswax
- honey comb : a mass of hexagonal prismatic cells built from wax
- honey extractor : a mechanical device beekeepers use to harvest honey
- varroa mite : an external parasite that attacks and feeds on honey bees
- nectar : an essential source of carbohydrates to bees and main ingredient in honey
- trophallaxis : the mutual exchange of food between bees
- brood : another term for offspring including honey bee eggs, larvae and pupae
- attendants : worker bees that tend to the queen
- bee space : the space necessary for bees to move comfortably around the hive