Name the Endangered Species Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Name the Endangered Species crossword puzzle.
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A living thing that can move and eat and react to the world through its senses.
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- amur leopard: i'm a big cat who lives in far-eastern russia. i have been hunted for my beautiful fur which has spots. (4,7)
- polar bear: climate change is taking away my home. i live at the end of the earth where the ice caps are melting. (5,4)
- finless porpoise: i am like a dolphin but i don't have a fin on my back. i live in the yangtze river. (7,8)
- elephant: some of us are african and some are asian. we are the heaviest living land mammal and are hunted for our tusks. (8)
- orangutan: i'm a close relative of humans. i have orange hair and long arms for climbing trees. (9)
- giant panda: i am a large, black and white land mammal. i am an icon of conservation in china. (5,5)
- rhino: i have a long horn on the end of my nose which poachers try to steal. i can be found across africa. (5)
- sea turtle: i live in the oceans and lay eggs on the beach. i sometimes confuse plastic bags for jellyfish, which is why i am endangered. (3,6)
- blue whale: i am the biggest mammal on earth. i live in oceans around the world. (4,5)
- tiger: my black and orange stripes are my camouflage when i'm hunting for prey. i can be found across asia. (5)