Animal Behaviour Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: whale: the world's largest mammal (5), sloth: the slowest land animal (5), tiger: the largest big cat species (5), giraffe : the animal with the longest neck (7), opossum: the animal known for playing dead when threatened (7), parrot: the bird species that imitates human speech (6), bee: the insect that communicates primarily through dance (3), starfish: the creature capable of regenerating its limbs (8), elephant : the mammal that sleeps the least, averaging around 2 hours per day (8), alligator : the reptile that can change its gender depending on temperature (9), spider : the arachnid that can walk on water (6), chameleon : the animal with the ability to change color for camouflage (9), bear : the mammal known for its hibernation abilities (4), albatross : the bird with the largest wingspan (9), electricray : the fish that can produce electric shocks (11), koala : the marsupial with a pouch that opens backward (5), dog : the mammal with the best sense of smell (3), ant : the insect that can carry objects many times its own weight (3)