Cats Crossword Puzzle

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Cats Crossword Puzzle

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  • acinonyx jubatus: a cheetah's latin name
  • caterwauling: a harsh cry male forest cats make to see off their enemies
  • neutered: a cat that had its reproductive organs surgically removed
  • manx: a type of cat without a tail
  • felidae: the family all cats belong to
  • keratin: a type of protein a cat's claws are made out of
  • sphynx: a type of cat that is hairless
  • tapetum lucidum: a layer of reflecting cells in a cat's eyes
  • papillae: hard, spiny points on a cat's tongue
  • caracal: a turkish word meaning "black ears"
  • felis silvestris: the name of a wild species that all breeds of domestic cats are from