Bug Hunt Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Bug Hunt crossword puzzle.
Related puzzles:
- bee: it is black and yellow. it is fat and fuzzy.
- ant: it is small and black. it is hardworking.
- spider: it had eight legs
- fly: it's dirty and has two big eyes
- snail: it had a shell.
- moth: it has two big, white wings and it likes the light at night.
- scorpion: it had two big pincers and a long tail.
- flower: it grows in the dirt and it's very beautiful.
- worm: it is long and slimy
- ladybug: it has black spots on its shell.
- mosquito: if it bites you, you will itch.
- butterfly: it has two big, beautiful wings.
- slug: it's like a snail but has no shell.
- caterpillar: it is long and loves eating leaves.