Animals in the Fall Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Animals in the Fall crossword puzzle.
Related puzzles:
- Predators
Predator is an animal that naturally preys on others; means it lives by killing and eating other animals.
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- Birds and Animals
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- Animal Movement
- rabbit : a small animal with long ears.
- bear : a large heavy animal with thick fur.
- winter coats : deer grow...
- squirrel : a small animal with a bushy tail.
- nests : squirrels build...
- deer : an animal with hooves.
- goose : a large bird with a long neck and webbed feet.
- beaver : an animal with a wide, flat tail that builds dams across streams to create its lodge.
- butterfly : a thin insect with large, often bright colored wings.
- dens : bears find...
- whale : a large sea animal that looks like a fish.
- south : geese fly...
- lodges : beavers build..