Types of Animal Digestive Systems Crossword Puzzle

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Types of Animal Digestive Systems Crossword Puzzle

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  • gizzard : a very muscular organ that normally contains grit or stones that function like teeth to grind the food.
  • crop : where the food is stored and soaked
  • rumen : the largest section of the ruminant stomach
  • abomasum : also known as the true ruminant stomach
  • reticulum : a small pouch on the side of the rumen that traps foreign materials, such as wire and nails
  • proventriculus : the stomach in a bird
  • roughages : feedstuffs that are high in fiber and tend to be 50 to 60 percent digestible
  • concentrates : highly digestible feed stuffs that are high in energy and low in fiber
  • omasum : produces a grinding action on the feed and removes some of the water from the feed
  • absorption : the taking of the digested parts of the feed into the bloodstream
  • digestion : the process of breaking down feed into simple substances that can be absorbed by the body
  • cud : a ball-like mass of feed brought up from the stomach to be rechewed