Animal Movement Crossword Puzzle

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Animal Movement Crossword Puzzle

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  • skeleton: framework that supports an animal
  • molting: arthropods shed their skeleton to allow for growth
  • cartilage: substance in endoskeleton more flexible than bone
  • seastar: this organism has endoskeleton with plates that have calcium
  • shark: this organism has endoskeleton made of cartilage
  • bear: this organism has endoskeleton made of bone and cartilage
  • earthworm: this type of worm has skeleton without hard parts
  • joint: place where two parts of skeleton meet
  • muscle: tissue that contracts and relaxes to create movement
  • nervous system: receives info from environment & creates response
  • stimulus: a signal that causes an animal to react
  • response: animal's reaction to a signal from environment
  • neuron: a nerve cell that receives info and passes it on
  • sensory neuron: nerve cells that detect stimuli
  • interneuron: nerve cell that passes information between nerve cells
  • motor neuron: nerve cell that carries info to muscles and organs
  • impulse: information that travels in nerve cell as an electrical signal
  • brain: organized group of neurons in the head
  • skeletal system: works with muscular and nervous system for movement
  • water vascular system: fluid filled tubes in echinoderms for moving