Animal Comparatives Crossword Puzzle

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Animal Comparatives Crossword Puzzle

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  • lion : this animal is much quicker than a penguin and is known for hopping great distances.
  • shark : this animal is faster than a hippo, and its sleek body helps it glide through the ocean.
  • parrot : this animal is more vibrant than most birds, and its ability to mimic human speech makes it unique
  • crocodile : this animal is stronger than a turtle and is known for its powerful bite.
  • whale : this animal is much larger than most sea creatures and can weigh as much as a small town.
  • giraffe : this animal is taller than a lion and has a long neck to reach leaves in tall trees.
  • polarbear : this animal is larger than a panda and is adapted to survive in the coldest places on earth.
  • zebra : this animal is more striped than a horse and lives in herds on the plains.
  • tiger : this animal is stronger than a panda and is a skilled predator with powerful claws.
  • dolphin : this animal is more sociable than a tiger and often travels in groups called pods.
  • jellyfish : this animal is less visible than others, yet it has a powerful sting and floats in the sea.
  • gorilla : this animal is stronger than a chimpanzee and lives in the forest.
  • panda : this animal is slower than a whale but is known for its love of bamboo and lives in mountainous regions.
  • elephant : this animal is larger than a lion and is known for its huge ears and tusks.
  • cheetah : this animal is faster than a lion and can run up to 60 miles per hour.