Vertebrates Crossword Puzzle

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Vertebrates Crossword Puzzle

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  • notochord: a longitudinal, flexible rod between the digestive tube and nerve cord.
  • pharynx: in most vertebrates, the pharyngeal slits open into the _ .
  • cartilage: chondrichthyan skeletons are composed of _ .
  • lancelets: names for their blade-like shape.
  • posterior: the muscular, post-anal tail is _ to the anus.
  • gnathostomes: vertebrates that have jaws.
  • seasquirts: another name for tunicates.
  • salamanders: ~550 species.
  • osteichthyans: formal name for bony fish.
  • brain: the central nervous system includes the _ and spinal cord.
  • tunicates: group in which the larval characteristics may only last a few minutes.
  • liver: the organ responsible for buoyancy in cartilaginous fish.
  • tetrapods: gnathostomes with limbs.
  • vertebrae: hagfishes and lampreys have rudimentary _ .
  • vertebrates: chordates with backbones.
  • dorsal: fins that function as stabilizers.
  • amphibian: means “both ways of life”
  • carnivorous: typical diet of salamanders and caecilians.
  • paedomorphosis: the retention of larval features with sexually mature.
  • operculum: the covering of gills in ray-finned fishes and lobe-fins.
  • ovoviviparous: type of shark development in which eggs are retained within the oviduct.
  • neuralcrest: gives rise to teeth, neurons, and sensory capsules.
  • jaws: the main feature that hagfishes and lampreys lack.
  • lampreys: parasites that clamp their mouths onto host fish.