Wolves Crossword Puzzle
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- three : the number of months breeding season lasts
- tundra : cold, mostly isolated places in europe and asia
- pack : a family of wolves
- predators : animals that will hunt and kill other animals
- habitat : the place where an animal lives
- territory : where wolves live and hunt
- beta : the second highest rank in the pack
- reproduce : to have pups
- canine : the scientific name of the family dogs and wolves belong to
- yellowstone : a national park in wyoming where wolves were released to repopulate the area
- pups : young wolves under the age of three
- crevasse : a crack or small space
- dispersing : wolves that leave or are kicked out of a pack
- litter : four to six pups that are born
- wolves : members of the canine family, carnivores, and predators of many animals
- endangered : in danger of becoming extinct
- carnivores : meat eaters
- den : a safe home for a female wolf and her pups
- omega : the lowest rank in the pack
- alphas : the leaders of the pack and the breeding pair