Elephants Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Elephants crossword puzzle.
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Predator is an animal that naturally preys on others; means it lives by killing and eating other animals.
- asian : variety of elephant
- trunk : elephant's nose
- heffalump : the cuddly elephant in ‘winnie the pooh’
- herd : a group of elephants
- trumpeting : loud sound made by elephants
- hathi : the baby elephant in the movie ‘the jungle book'
- ears : how to tell the variety of an elephant
- dumbo : walt disney elephant
- elephant : largest animal
- jumbo : extra large size
- african : variety of elephant
- calf : baby elephant
- mammoth : a large hairy extinct elephant
- pachyderm : generic term for a very large mammal with thick skin
- bull : male elephant
- tantor : tarzan's elephant companion
- tusk : elephant's ivory
- hide : the thick skin of an elephant