Amphibians and Fish Crossword Puzzle

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Amphibians and Fish Crossword Puzzle

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  • sexually : fish reproduce _
  • lateral line : enables a fish to sense its environment
  • external : most fish have _ fertilization
  • salamander : long slender bodies
  • biological _ indicators : amphibians are great _
  • cartilaginous : sharks, rays and skates
  • toad : rough skin with shorter legs
  • gills : fish exchange oxygen and co2 over their _
  • endothermic : body temperature stays at a constant temp internally
  • jaw less : lampreys and hags
  • hibernation : inactivity during the winter
  • scales : hard thin plates that cover the skin and protect the body
  • estivation : inactivity during the hot dry months
  • swim _ bladder : air sac that allows the fish to change its density
  • two _ chambered : fish have a _ heart
  • bony : walleye, perch and northern pike
  • frog : wet, smooth skin with long legs
  • ectothermic : body temperature is based off of the environment surrounding it
  • spawning : females release their eggs and males come over and dispense their sperm on them to fertilize the eggs.
  • internal : some fish such as guppies have _ fertilization