Reptiles, Amphibians & Fish Science Crossword Puzzle

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Reptiles, Amphibians & Fish Science Crossword Puzzle

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  • frogspawn : cluster of frog eggs
  • catadromous : fish that live in fresh water but migrate to lay their eggs in salt water
  • semipermeable : allowing certain substances to pass through
  • nocturnal : relating to the night
  • camouflage : to hide by blending into the background
  • constrictor : type of snake that wraps around and compresses it's prey
  • extinct : describes a species that has died out completely
  • caudal : part of or near the tail
  • venom : toxin capable of causing injury or death through injection
  • molt : act of shedding outer layer such as skin or feathers
  • reptiles : vertebrates that lay eggs, breath oxygen, have scaly skin, are ectothermic
  • ectotherm : animal that depend on external sources for body heat
  • fish : aquatic vertebrate that is covered in scales, usually has fins & breathes through gills
  • terrestrial : living on or in land
  • diurnal : relating to a 24 hour cycle, most active in day
  • anadromous : fish that live in salt water but migrate to lay eggs in fresh water
  • vertebrate : animal having backbones
  • permeable : having openings that liquids or gases can pass through
  • tadpole : aquatic frog larva
  • dorsal : relating to the back or upper part of an animal
  • amphibians : vertebrates with wet skin, live on land or in water