Horses Crossword Puzzle
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- walk : this speed is 4-5mph
- foal : a horse aged less than a year
- gelding : a male horse castrated older than 4yr
- mare : a female horse older than 4yrs
- vomit : horses cant do this
- fillly : a female horse aged 2-4
- colt : a young male horse is called
- canter : this speed is 12-16mph
- shetland : ponies that were originally developed in scotland
- shire : this breed were used on farms
- haflinger : the first horse to be cloned
- warm blooded : these horse are good for competitions
- gallop : this speed is 26-32mph
- eyes : horses have the biggest what of all land animals
- stallion : a male horse that is intact
- yearling : a horse aged 1-2yrs
- cold blooded : these horses are good strong and heavy work
- mare : a female adult horse
- hot blooded : these horses are are used for speed and racing
- trot : this speed is 8-12mph