Rabbit Knowledge Crossword Puzzle
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- dewlap : large fold of skin at throat
- pedigree : rabbit's birth record
- variety : describes a rabbit's color
- buck : male rabbit
- angora : rabbit breed raised for their wool
- conjunctivitis : inflammation of the eyelid
- gestation : length of time a rabbit is pregnant
- molt : shedding or changing of fur
- sore hocks : sore on bottom of rabbit's feet
- mange : disease caused by fur mites
- water : most important nutrient for a rabbit
- doe : female rabbit
- himilayan : only rabbit breed with a cylindrical body type
- arba : rabbit breeders association
- compact : body type of a netherland dwarf
- twenty eight : number of teeth a rabbit has
- hutch : another name for a rabbit cage
- eighteen : number of claws
- tatoo : mark in left ear
- kit : baby rabbit