Felines Crossword Puzzle

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Felines Crossword Puzzle

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  • fearful : tail tucked, ears flat, lowered body stance.
  • happy : ears up, tail up, eyes soft, purring and meowing
  • renal disease : a common disease in older cats that affects the kidney
  • kitten : a baby cat
  • queening : the act of parturition for a cat.
  • tom : male cat that can reproduce
  • rabies : zoonotic disease that is fatal
  • gib : a castrated male cat.
  • hyperthyroidism : when the thyroid produces too much hormone causing weight loss
  • carnivore : cats are an example of this, animals who primarily eat meat.
  • abyssinian : compact short haired cat that typically comes in red/brown coloring.
  • taurine : an amino acid that must be added to commercial feline diets.
  • fvrcp : a core feline vaccine.
  • cfa : organization that registers purebred cats
  • fip : this very contagious disease's main symptom is a build up of fluid in the lungs.
  • feline leukemia : contagious disease spread by casual contact like shared food bowls
  • queen : a female cat that can reproduce
  • purring : a sound that only cats make coming from either their hyoid bone or larynx.
  • retractable : this describes a cat's claw which makes it different from a dog's.
  • gestation : for cats, this is 65 days
  • onychectomy : surgical removal of the claw
  • bevy : a group of cats
  • diabetes : a common disease of obese cats
  • polydactyl : having more that the normal number of toes
  • neonate : newborn animal