Native Plants and Animals of New Zealand Crossword Puzzle

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Native Plants and Animals of New Zealand Crossword Puzzle

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  • kiwi: flightless bird.
  • kakapo: world's largest parrot.
  • weta: large insect with large hind legs.
  • flax: fibrous plant used for weaving.
  • kauri: giant tree currently at risk of disease called dieback.
  • katipo: poisonous spider.
  • cabbage: a tree with the name of this vegetable. called ti kouka in maori.
  • tussock: mountain vegetation.
  • tuatara: a reptile unique to new zealand.
  • kereru: a large bird also called nz wood pigeon.
  • rata: a bit like pohutukawa but found in the south of new zealand.
  • penguin: these birds can be little blue, or yellow-eyed.
  • bat: the short-tailed one of these is endangered.
  • koura: the maori name for crayfish. there is a coastal town with this word in it.