All About Land Animals - 2 Crossword Puzzle
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Predator is an animal that naturally preys on others; means it lives by killing and eating other animals.
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- turtle : slow moving reptile with a domed shell.
- kitten : baby feline.
- lizard : reptile that can regenerate its tail.
- dolphin : variety of small toothed whale and a curved fin on the back.
- leopard : large wild cat that has a yellowish-brown or brown coat with black spots.
- panther : large leopard with black fur.
- catfish : fish with whisker like barbels around the mouth.
- shark : ferocious sea fish with a prominent dorsal fin skeleton.
- skunk : animal black and white striped fur a foul smell.
- giraffe : animal with a very long neck.
- wolf : wild doglike carnivorous animal.
- eel : long and slippery fish.
- gecko : a animal that can walk up walls.
- pig : plump farm animal a flat snout hoofed.
- deer : ruminants needing grass with with branched bony antlers.
- oyster : bivalve mollusks where pearls are formed.
- kangaroo : australian native animal having a pocket in front.
- cat : a pet with retractile claws for catching mice.
- zebra : animal with black and white stripes and an erect mane.
- horse : mammal with a flowing mane and tail used for riding racing.