Animal Diversity - Vertebrates Crossword Puzzle

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Animal Diversity - Vertebrates Crossword Puzzle

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  • chordates : (at some point in their lives) are organisms with a notochord, a flexible rod that supports the chordate's back, a nerve cord, and slits in their throat area.
  • turtles : reptile whose body is covered by a protective shell that incudes the ribs and backbone.
  • herbivores : plant-eating mammals with incisors that cut and molars that grind.
  • lungs : breath on land; can also exchange o2 and co2 through the skin.
  • mammals : endothermic vertebrates with a four-chambered heart and skin covered with fur or hair.
  • jawless fish : fish that have no jaws or scales with skeletons made of cartilage.
  • reptiles : ectothermic vertebrate that have lungs and scaly skin; skin, kidneys and eggs of reptiles are adapted to conserve water.
  • swim bladder : organ that is a gas-filled sac that helps fish stay stable at different depths.
  • bony fish : has jaws, scales, a pocket on each side of head that holds gills, and skeleton of hard bones.
  • endotherm : animal whose body regulates its own temperature by controlling the internal heat.
  • omnivores : eat both plants and animals using a variety of teeth.
  • cartilaginous fish : fish having jaws and scales as well as skeletons made of cartilage.
  • kidneys : organs that filter water from the blood with wastes being excreted as urine.
  • birds : endothermic vertebrate that has feathers and a four-chambered heart; also lays eggs.
  • amphibians : ectothermic vertebrate that spends early life in water and adulthood on land.
  • marsupials : mammals who give birth during early stage of development, then usually continue to develop in pouch on mother's body.
  • ectotherm : animal whose body does not produce much internal heat.
  • carnivores : meat-eaters with sharp canines that tear flesh.
  • fish : ectotherms that live in water, have fins and obtains oxygen through gills, have scales.
  • monotremes : egg laying mammals that lack nipples.
  • vertebrate : animal with a backbone that is part of an endoskeleton, which supports the body, protects organs and gives muscles a place to attach.
  • metamorphosis : legs and lungs develop for adult life; heart is three-chambered with atria and ventricles.