Australian Native Animals Crossword Puzzle
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A living thing that can move and eat and react to the world through its senses.
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- kangaroo: an animal who jumps as high as 12m
- koala: doesn't have the right qualifications to be a bear
- emu:flightless bird
- wombat: dumb pig
- wallaby: mini kangaroo
- cockatoo:loudest bird alive
- kookaburra: has a loud laugh
- crocodile: scary
- bilby : long ears
- tasmanian devil: black and white
- dingo: wild dog
- echidna: spiky
- goanna: rhymes with joanna
- wedge tailed eagle: can grow bigger than a bald eagle
- possum: nocturnal , fruit eating animal
- platypus:only mammal that lays eggs
- spiny devil: desert lizard