Warrior Ants Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: nests : home built by ants; also birds, argentina : country that was the original home to a ferocious super colony of ants, insecticide : type of poison used to kill bugs, conquer : to overpower or overcome, smell : the sense ants use to distinguish friends from enemies, floodplains : flat ground that can get inundated with water, aphids : seriously damage crops, especially fruit, dominant : preeminent group or individual; term also refers to a gene, piranhas : a ferocious type of fish these ants might eat, honeydew : ant food produced by aphids and mealybugs, pythons : a problem in southern florida, survival : ..."of the fittest"; to live and thrive, invasive : a destructive species not native to a given area, colony : grouping of similar species of ants, coffee : one of the agricultural products ants used to hitch a ride, queen : head of an ant colony or bee hive, ants : unwelcome picnic guests, pests : annoying, can be destructive, female : gender of most ants in a colony