Cheetahs Crossword Puzzle

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Cheetahs Crossword Puzzle

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  • seventy: how fast can cheetahs run (miles/hr)?
  • space: cheetahs are disappearing because there is no more _ for them.
  • shadow: a cheetah's dark coat blends in with their _ .
  • quietly: slowly and _ - what is the best way for a cheetah to stalk their prey?
  • stay together: male cheetahs always _
  • siblings: cheetah cubs learn a lot from who?
  • camouflage: the cheetah's beautiful spotted coat acts as what?
  • iran: even though cheetahs mostly live in african countries, some live where?
  • blind: when cheetahs are born they are _ .
  • ten: cheetahs can open their eyes and crawl in less than _ days.