International Tiger Day Crossword Puzzle

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  • camouflage: why does a tiger have stripey fur? (10)
  • ten: how many metres can a tiger jump? (3)
  • twenty: how many hours a day does a tiger sleep for? (6)
  • webbed toes: what adaptation helps the tiger swim really well? (6,4)
  • tongue: tigers use this to get the last bits of meat off bones and to groom themselves (6)
  • cub: what is baby tiger called?
  • canine: which strong teeth does the tiger use to bite down on prey? (6)
  • carnivore: tigers eat meat, what does this make them? (9)
  • whiskers: tigers can use these for sensing the pulse of their prey and judging spaces (8)
  • indonesia: what country are these tigers found in the wild? (9)
  • palm: what type of oil is causing habitat loss for these tigers (4)