Basic Rabbit Terms Crossword Puzzle
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- dewlap : the fold or folds of loose skin hanging from the throat of a doe
- doe : a famale rabbit
- belly : the lower part of the body
- molt : process of shedding or changing fur
- nest box : a kindling box inside the rabbit cage where kits are born
- tattoo : permanent identification mark of a rabbit in the left year
- back : the entire top part of the rabbit
- litter : the young rabbits being raised by a doe
- buck : a male rabbit
- processing : the process of harvesting the edible protein or meat of the rabbit
- gestation : the period of time that a doe is pregnant. 28-32 days
- condition : the physical state of a rabbit
- rabbitry : the area or building in which a group of hutches and rabbits are kept
- fryer : young meat rabbits under 5 pounds
- pedigree : written chart of the rabbits ancestors of a rabbit
- abscess : a localized area of an infection resulting in a lumo
- blemish : flaws or defects
- kit : a baby rabbit
- kindle : process of giving birth