Sponge Crossword Puzzle
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- wandering cells : the red blood cells of sponges
- oseculum : a large opening in sponges
- invertebrate : an animal with no backbone
- spongin : the defense mechanism term
- pore cells : sponges form a tube-like cell called
- collar cells : what filters the water that has a flagellum and creates a current inside a sponge
- spawning : producing a large deposit of egg
- filter feeder : filters through the water to get its food
- metamorphosis : development change in physical or structural tissue
- sessile : being attached to the bottom and unable to move from a surface is named?
- spicules : small pointy body embedded among cells in tissues of invertebrates
- amphiblastula : a free-swimming larva from sponges
- porifera : pore bearing
- asymmetrical : what is it called when two sides of something do not match