Animal Alphabet Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: alligator: a large reptile found in swamps and rivers, bear: a large mammal known for its strength and hibernation habits, cat: a small domesticated animal that is often kept as a pet, dog: a loyal and domesticated four-legged companion, elephant: a massive herbivorous mammal with a long trunk and tusks, fish: aquatic creatures with gills and fins, found in oceans and rivers, giraffe: a tall african mammal with a long neck and distinct spots, horse: a hoofed mammal, often ridden or used for work, iguana: a reptile with a long tail and spiky dorsal scales, jellyfish: gelatinous marine creatures with stinging tentacles, koala: a tree-dwelling marsupial native to australia, lion: a large carnivorous cat known as the "king of the jungle.", mouse: a small rodent with a pointed snout and long tail, newt: a small, slender-bodied amphibian that resembles a lizard, octopus: an intelligent marine creature with eight tentacles, parrot: a colorful and talkative bird often kept as a pet, quail: a small, ground-dwelling bird with a distinctive call, rabbit: a small mammal with long ears and a fluffy tail, sheep: a domesticated farm animal known for its wool, unicorn: a mythical horse-like creature with a single horn on its forehead, vulture: a scavenging bird with a bald head and sharp beak, whale: a massive marine mammal that breathes air and has a blowhole, fox: a cunning and agile mammal known for its bushy tail, yak: a shaggy-haired, long-horned bovine found in mountainous regions, zebra: a striped african mammal related to horses and donkeys.