Animals of the Bible Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Animals of the Bible crossword puzzle.
Related puzzles:
- serpent : eden tempter
- sheep : most frequently mentioned animal in the bible
- dove : the holy spirit appeared at jesus' baptism as this animal
- rooster : before the _ crows you will disown me 3 times
- locusts : food of john the baptist
- deer : as the _ pants for streams of water....
- fish : jesus fed 5000 with 2 _ and 5 loaves of bread
- lamb : _ of god who takes away the sins of the world
- wolves : beware those in sheep's clothing as they are ravenous _
- goats : jesus' parable of the sheep and _
- raven : first bird released by noah
- sparrows : you are of more value than many _
- swine : ....nor cast your pearls before _
- horse : white animal in revelation
- ant : insect of proverbs
- camel : easier for a _ to go through the eye of a needle