Egyptian Pantheon Crossword Puzzle

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  • sobek : god of the nile
  • thoth : god knowledge
  • ihy : god of music
  • onuris : god of hunting
  • hapy : god of innundation
  • bes : protector of newborns
  • ptah : god of craftsmen
  • imhotep : god of healing
  • sekhemet : goddess of war
  • abu : god of light
  • seth : god of chaos
  • nut : creator of the sky
  • serket : goddess of medicine
  • ra : god of the sun
  • ammit : devourer of condemed souls
  • horus : god of the sky
  • iat : goddess of milk and nursing
  • bastet : goddess of fertility
  • anubis : god of the dead
  • atum : god of creation
  • geb : god of the earth
  • isis : goddess of motherhood
  • maat : goddess of truth and justice