The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit Crossword Puzzle
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- generosity: the fruit of the holy spirit seen in the willingness to give even when at one's own cost.
- charity: the fruit of the holy spirit seen when we love god above all things and our neighbor as ourself.
- kindness: the fruit of the holy spirit seen in generous acts of service to others.
- modesty: the fruit of the holy spirit seen in the ability to be moderate and controlled in our actions, especially our conversation and physical appearance.
- chastity: the fruit of the holy spirit seen when we live out our sexuality - conduct and intention - in a proper manner.
- joy: the fruit of the holy spirit seen when we have a deep and consistent gladness in the lord that circumstances cannot destroy. it comes from a good relationship with god and others--a relationship of genuine love.
- patience: the fruit of the holy spirit seen when we enduringly love others despite suffering, difficulties, and disappointments.
- peace: the fruit of the holy spirit seen in persons who remain calm and serene without becoming anxious or upset.
- goodness: the fruit of the holy spirit seen in our love of all people and our loving actions toward them.
- self control: the fruit of the holy spirit seen in the ability to be disciplined in one's desires and respectful of the dignity and integrity of others.
- faithfulness: the fruit of the holy spirit seen in our ability to keep promises and remain loyal to god and those to whom we are committed.
- gentleness: the fruit of the holy spirit seen in the ability to be gracious, peaceful and forgiving instead of being rough or angry.