Noah and the Ark Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: commanded: how did noah know to build the ark?, offering: what did noah give to god? genesis 8:20, ararat: mountains of _ - where did the ark end up after the waters decreased? genesis 8:4, rainbow: what does god use to be a sign of the covenant made with noah? genesis 9:13, flood: what did god cause to happen in the story? genesis 7:7, covenant: what did god make with noah at the end of the story? genesis 9:12, dove: what was the bird that brought back an olive leaf to the ark? genesis 8:11, prepared: god told noah to be what for the flood, olive leaf: what did the dove bring back to the ark? genesis 8:11, rain: what caused the flood? genesis 7:4, everlasting: how long will the covenant be? genesis 9:16, righteous: what was noah in god's eyes? genesis 7:1, forty days: how long will the covenant be? genesis 9:16