Aboriginal Spirituality Crossword Puzzle

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Aboriginal Spirituality Crossword Puzzle

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  • the talking feather: a ceremonial item in indigenous cultures that allows only the holder to speak during meetings.
  • sweatlodge: a small structure used for purification ceremonies involving steam and heat.
  • powwow: a social gathering with dancing, drumming, and singing among indigenous peoples.
  • shaman: a spiritual healer or leader who communicates with spirits.
  • medicine wheel: a symbol of balance and interconnectedness, used in spiritual practices.
  • inuksuk: a stone structure used for navigation or marking important places.
  • metis: a person of mixed indigenous and european ancestry.
  • inuit: indigenous people from the arctic regions of north america.
  • potlatch: a ceremonial feast with gift-giving, held by some indigenous groups.
  • petroforms: rock arrangements used for spiritual or ceremonial purposes.
  • sun dance ritual: a sacred ceremony involving fasting, dancing, and endurance.
  • harvest feast: a communal celebration of the harvest season with feasting and rituals.
  • northern lights: a natural light display seen in the arctic, considered spiritual by some indigenous cultures.
  • raven: a bird symbolizing wisdom, trickery, and transformation in many indigenous myths.
  • first nations: the indigenous peoples of canada, excluding inuit and métis.