Noah and Tower Review Crossword Puzzle
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- name : the people were trying to make a _ for themselves. (gen. 11:4)
- gopher : type of wood god instructed noah to use (gen. 6:14)
- babel : where the people attempted to build a tower (gen. 11:1-9)
- blood : "whoever sheds the _ of man, by man shall his _ be shed, for god made man in his own image." (gen. 9:6)
- rainbow : the sign of god's promise to never flood the whole earth again. (gen. 9:12-16)
- language : in order to stop the people, god confused their _ . (gen. 11:7)
- raven : the first bird noah sent out from the ark (gen. 8:6)
- flood : how god destroyed the earth (gen. 6:17)
- forty : number of days it rained (gen. 7:12)
- altar : noah built this immediately upon leaving the ark (gen. 8:20)
- dove : bird that returned to noah with and olive leaf (gen. 8:11)
- died : the last three words of the first six paragraphs are "...and he _ ." (gen. 9:29)
- eight : number of people on the ark (gen. 7:7)
- noah : the father of shem, ham, and japheth (gen. 6:10)
- ark : the boat god told noah to build (gen. 6:14)