Hinduism Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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Hinduism Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • brahmin : the highest of the four classes of the caste system, traditionally made up of priests
  • moksha : liberation or release of the individual self, atman, from the bondage of samsara
  • kama : pleasure, especially of sensual love, one of the four goals in life
  • brahman : eternal essence of reality and the source of the universe
  • karma : moral law of cause & effect
  • rigveda : a collection of 1,017 sanskrit hymns composed about 1500 bc or oldest-hinduism's oldest sacred text
  • monism : doctrine that reality is ultimately made of only one existence.
  • avatar : an incarnation, or living embodiment, of a deity , usually of vishnu.
  • vaishyu : the third of the four classes of the caste system, traditionally made up of producers, such as farmers, merchants & artisans
  • atman : the eternal self, which the upanishads identify with the brahman
  • ascetic : one who renounces physical pleasures & worldly attachments.
  • upanishads : a collection of over 200 texts composed between 900 & 200 bc that provides a philosophical commentary on the vedas.
  • shudra : the lowest of the four classes in the caste system, traditionally made up of farmers & laborers.
  • yoga : a system of hindu philosophy and one approach within nana manga- the path of knowledge seeking to free the eternal self from the bondage of personhood, culminating in the experience of samadhi, physical and psychological techniques for spiritual development
  • caste system : traditional division of hindu society
  • bhakti marga : the path of devotion- the most popular of the three hindu paths to salvation- emphasizing loving devotion to one's chosen god or goddess.
  • varnas : classes within the caste system
  • hinduism : this is the fourth largest religion in the world.
  • dharma : ethical duty based on the divine order of reality, one of the four goals in life
  • samsara : the wheel of rebirth or reincarnation
  • artha : material success and social prestige- one of the four goals in life