Life with Christ - Now and Forever Crossword Puzzle

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Life with Christ - Now and Forever Crossword Puzzle

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  • god : free gift is eternal life in christ
  • faith : the substance of things hoped for (heb 11:1)
  • eternal : god so loved the world, that he gave his only son (jn 3:16)
  • truth : god declares himself as way and life (jn 14:6)
  • light :whoever follows me will not walk in darkness (jn 8:12)
  • wise: be careful how you live - not as unwise (eph 5:15)
  • heart : as water reflects the face, and life reflects _ (pro 27:19)
  • love : god shows it for us while we were still sinners (rom 5:8)
  • scripture : breathed out by god and profitable for teaching (2 tim3:16)
  • trust : we should do it with all our heart (pro 3:5)
  • life : jesus came to give us abundantly (jn 10:10)
  • meek : they shall inherit the earth (matt 5:5)