Apostles Creed Introduction Crossword Puzzle

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Apostles Creed Introduction Crossword Puzzle

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  • scripture: matthew 28:19 is an example of a _ verse.
  • believe: latin credo means "i _ ".
  • twelve: the number of lines in the apostles' creed.
  • baptism: early converts to christianity learned the creed before this.
  • true or false: the apostles' creed was written by the 12 apostles.
  • creeds: developed in early church as a summary of faith.
  • spirit: the last section of the creed is about the holy _ .
  • bible: this book is the basis for the creed.
  • son: the relationship of jesus to god.
  • maker: "god the father almighty, _ of heaven and earth."
  • father: another name for god.